a little piece of us

If you have come this far, it is because you want to know a little more about us. We warn you! After learning our story, you will never look at our creations the same way again.

The story of Miru' Shop begins in 2010, when I found myself having to reinvent myself due to job changes. Although I am the visible face of the brand, Miru' Shop is a family project in which we all actively participate, giving it life and energy, as if it were full of elves.

What does miru'shop mean?

The name is very meaningful to us as it hides two very special little pets that are no longer physically here: Mimo (Mi), one of our first adopted cats, and Pirulo (Ru), the dog we picked up thinking he was lost and who was part of our family for 18 years. From there Miru'Shop was born, from the best of us.

We are passionate about fashion, trends and the world of accessories, and we use crochet as a means to shape our fantasy and thus create unique and exclusive pieces. We always think of women like you when we create: women who love each other, respect each other and know what they want, women with character but full of sensitivity and committed to good causes.

We use all types of materials such as threads, raffia, ropes, recycled elements such as buttons, beads, fabrics, shells... All the pieces are made by hand, one by one, with a lot of care, love and dedication.

We are very grateful to be able to work on what we like and are passionate about, and to be able to offer you a little piece of us in each piece that comes into your hands.

Thank you for entering our world for a little while.

A hug,


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